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We are driven to solve problems

Our story

Even though we're a small team, we have nearly one hundred years of combined experience in industry.


Together, we have managed factories and supply chains in the food & beverage, pharmaceutical and industrial gases sectors across Asia Pacific. In addition, we've all applied our skills to service design and improvement in financial services and insurance.


We are all engineers, all Six Sigma Black Belts or Master Black Belts and all experienced Lean practitioners and have won international awards for Six Sigma and Project Management.


Most of all, we love what we do and we want to help your business.

Process Design

Whether you’re building a new IT platform or a manufacturing process or a service delivery, you need solid process design. We’ve designed and implemented hundreds in manufacturing, banking, supply chain, and insurance. We have experience with Customer Centred Design. Working with our design partners, we’ve helped our customers build service delivery experiences and software. We bridge design and engineering with a method that uses robust Kano analysis linked to (QFD) Quality Function Deployment

Modelling and Analytics

We love data but, unlike many, our approach to analytics and modelling is based on deep process understanding, recognising that what we do must have practical meaning and impact.


Discrete Event Simulation: we have helped businesses understand their process bottlenecks and design improvements by constructing DES applications in warehousing, distribution, manufacturing, healthcare and service.


System Dynamics: industrial engineering is not just for factories. We’ve built system dynamics models & simulations to help a bank better understand their intra-day liquidity.


Neural Networks and Deep Learning: we love patterns as much as data. We’ve helped a customer understand patterns in their demand data using a combination of statistical and deep learning techniques.

Quality Management

A good process is nothing if it isn’t sustained. We've designed ISO9000 quality management systems for highly regulated industries and know the value of good documentation.

Process Efficiency

All our staff are Six Sigma Master Black Belts or Black Belts with experience implementing Six Sigma across the Asia-Pacific region in banking, pharmaceuticals, supply chain & FMCG.


We have a depth of experience in the design and implementation of planned experiments in chemical, industrial and service settings for rational process design and improvement.


Our expertise includes implementing Lean Manufacturing across the Asia-Pacific region, including: Enterprise wide implementation based on a robust capability-maturity model; inventory reduction using SMED (Single Minute Exchange of Dies, kanbans, heijunka and EPEC (Every Part Every Cycle) scheduling; shop floor and management training and cultural change programs; Lean for Service, cutting turnaround times and reducing liquidity buffers in banking and insurance; Increasing uptime with TPM (Total Productive Maintenance) & OEE (Overall Equipment Maintenance).


Project Management: whether you are running a 12 week agile sprint, constructing a factory or managing a three year international hardware deployment, we understand your challenges. We have experience in agile project management, construction management and PMI based large scale project management.


Risk management: Any worthwhile project will carry risk. We’ve designed and implemented ISO 31000 based risk management plans for an earthquake prone business in Japan that were later put the test during the Fukushima tragedy, a healthcare company in Australia and for a new product launch. We can help you, too.

Human Error

As processes and technology separate people from the work, human error becomes a more insidious problem. Usually staff are reprimanded or retrained, but the real solution is understanding the sources of human error (slips, lapses, mistakes and violations) and designing out the likelihood of errors or the impact or errors.

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